Category iOS 12

iOS 12 Vs iOS 11 Speed Test!

ios 12 vs ios 11 speed test

iOS 12 is now out and it’s amazing! There are no notable changes in term of UI but Apple has added over 100 features that you may not know about. We will come to new features of iOS 12 later…

Do not install iOS 12!

do not install ios 12

iOS 12 is finally here and developer can try out the new beta on their iPhone & iPad right now. Normal users can also try out this new beta but we recommended not to do so! First thing, the beta…

Which iPhone & iPad Supports iOS 12?

ios 12

Apple just announced iOS 12 but is your iPhone or iPad compatible with iOS 12? Check out the list of iOS devices that support iOS 12 in this post. Does your device support iOS 12 Compatibility? Apple announces iOS 12…