What’s up guys! Now it’s time to look up the new released compatible
cydia tweaks of the week for iPhone/iPad which you might missed in this week. When new tweaks are released in cydia, we’re so excited to install it but due to lack of time management we don’t get a chance to look at Cydia.
Every tweak brings some new features for customizing our iDevices. There are number of tweaks that are released every day. But trying all of them is time consuming or some don’t work properly which may result in creating problem to your device.
So here we come up with new released compatible cydia tweaks of the week for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. These all tweaks are just tested & work fine and are available in Cydia via BigBoss & ModMyi Repo.
Take a look at new released Cydia tweaks of the week you might have missed
CCRecord is a cydia tweak which allows users to record their
device’s entire screen with audio directly from the Control Center. (Free)
See review
Cream 2 is a fantastic jailbroken cydia tweak by @cpdigdarkroom which lets you
customized the color of ControlCenter toggles the way you like as well as the
glyph color of AirDrop, AirPlay and Night Shift buttons. (Free) See review
Disclose (iOS 10) is a cydia tweak lets you swipe to close define view on dictionary. (Free)
ForceInPicture is a cydia tweak that programmaticlly enable picture in picture feature on unsupported devices. (Free)
CCLowPower is a cydia tweak that force enable low power mode in iOS 10 Control Center. (Free)
CustomCarrier (iOs 10) is a cydia tweak that allows you to rename a costume carrier on status bar. (Free)
Creamless is a cydia tweak that removes the iOS 10 toggle coloring. (Free)
NoWallpaperGray is a cydia tweak that disables the wallpaper dimming on iOS 10.0-10.1. (Free)
StatusFolder is a cydia tweak that show the status bar in folders. (Free)
Evanesco is a cydia tweak that clears your homescreen after inactivity. (Free)
StatusSwitcher is a cydia tweak that lets you show status bar in app switcher. (Free)
Reddit – No Blur on NSFW Media is a cydia tweak that removes the blur on NSFW posts. (Free)
VKPass is a cydia tweak that protects your VK with passcode and Touch ID. (Free)