The most dashing Transparent (Internals) wallpaper for iPhone X is here. The wallpaper is shared by iFixit which show all the clear hardware details of iPhone X. iFixit is famous for iPhone Teardown and has posted some amazing wallpapers like standard internals and X-ray edition that reflects the transparency of iPhone X.
iPhone X logic board wallpaper looks transparent and seems like you have no display. User might get shocked when looking at first time.

iPhone X internals wallpapers work both Still and Perspective wallpapers.
How to Get Internals iPhone X wallpaper
How to Get Internals iPhone X wallpaper
Step 1: Go to the iFixit’s blog
Step 2: Choose internals wallpaper and save it to your iPhone X’s Camera roll.
Step 3: Now Go to Settings > Wallpaper > Choose Photo and set as your new wallpaper.
Similarly, you can go directly from Photos app and Select the download Internals Transparent wallpaper and set as your wallpaper.
iPhone X Internals & iPhone X Internals: X-Ray version are compatible only with iPhone X for now. iFixit is working for iPhone 8 or iPhone 8 Plus or other older iPhones to make compatible soon.
Isn’t it amazing?