Cydia tweaks of the week for iOS 9 : Cream, FastShare, SmartBanners and more

It’s time to look at some new cydia tweaks for iOS 9 released
in this week for your jailbroken iOS devices which you might missed this week
due to lack of time and didn’t get a chance to look at Cydia daily. It’s time to look at some new cydia tweaks for iOS 9 released in this week for your jailbroken iOS devices which you might missed this week due to lack of time and didn’t get a chance to look at Cydia daily
So here we come up with new released cydia tweaks which are compatible with
all iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch running iOS 8 and iOS 9. These all tweaks are
just tested & work fine and are available in Cydia via BigBoss Repo. So take a look what’s
new in Cydia this week.
cream is a fantastic jailbroken cydia tweak by @cpdigdarkroom which lets you color the ControlCenter toggles exactly looks like the Apple Watch buttons
is a fantastic jailbroken cydia tweak by @cpdigdarkroom which lets you color
the ControlCenter toggles exactly looks like the Apple Watch buttons. Cream works
with tweaks that modify the Control Center buttons such as CCSettings,
FlipControlCenter and Polus. In addition to that, it also works with
multitasking tweaks like Auxo and Seng. (Free) review
fastshare is a cydia tweak that allows  you to quickly share content to Facebook, Twitter, and Messages from anywhere using Activator gesture
is a cydia tweak that allows  you to quickly share content to Facebook,
Twitter, and Messages from anywhere using Activator gesture. ($1.49)

Locktionary is a cydia tweak that lets you to quick
search the dictionary directly from the lockscreen. (Free)

Nuntius is a cydia tweak that allows for extensive
UI/Interface customization with lot more features to the Message App.($1.49)
SmartBanners is a cydia tweak which makes your banners
smarter and cuter. Configure from setting in th tweak preferences. (Free)
3DTN For WhatsApp is a cydia tweak which allows you to preview
the content of WhatsApp notifications on Notification Center or on lock screen
without launching the actual app. Requires 3D Touch Notifications. (Free)

Custom Switcher Background is a cydia tweak which lets you to set a
custom background color on the app switcher. Configure options from settings. (Free)
CustomHealth is a cydia tweak that can modify the step
count from device. (Free)
FolderIconSave is a cydia tweak that gives you the chance
to save your folders/icons from opening/deleting and wiggling. (Free)
Let us know which is your favourite
Good news for jailbreakers who are in
iOS 9.1, PanGu has released the Jailbreak for iOS 9.1.
If your device has not yet jailbroken
then follow this simple steps on How to jailbreak iOS 9, 9.0.2
and 9.1

Note: Beware of fake Cydia  installed on
iOS 9.2 or 9.2.1
 because its jailbreak is not yet released.