Viber : Viber now receives Quick Reply, Deleting accidentally sent messages on other device & many cool features for iOS 9

Have you ever sent messages to someone on viber accidentally which you were not supposed to? Or the message you were trying to send to one person was mistakenly sent to another? This may be the reason for you to get in trouble. Well, you don’t have to worry now. Viber has received a big update with iOS 9 in which you can remove accidentally sent message from another person’s device
Have you
ever sent messages to someone on viber accidentally which you were not supposed
to? Or the message you were trying to send to one person was mistakenly sent to another?
This may be the reason for you to get in trouble. Well, you don’t have to worry
now. Viber has received a big update with iOS 9 in which you can remove accidentally sent message from another person’s device. You can have two options while deleting
the message; one is ‘delete for myself’ where you can delete the messages from
your device only & another is ‘delete for everyone’ which allows you to
delete messages from another persons device.
Have you ever sent messages to someone on viber accidentally which you were not supposed to? Or the message you were trying to send to one person was mistakenly sent to another? This may be the reason for you to get in trouble. Well, you don’t have to worry now. Viber has received a big update with iOS 9 in which you can remove accidentally sent message from another person’s device
Not only
this, Viber also now offers Quick Reply feature where you can quickly reply to
messages just like in iMessage without having to open viber.
Have you ever sent messages to someone on viber accidentally which you were not supposed to? Or the message you were trying to send to one person was mistakenly sent to another? This may be the reason for you to get in trouble. Well, you don’t have to worry now. Viber has received a big update with iOS 9 in which you can remove accidentally sent message from another person’s device
Also you can
attach documents, archive files, look for conversation through spotlight, send
photos & videos from your iCloud storage with this update.
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