Some users are facing huge issue on iPhone X

iPhone X has again moved into a problem where users are unable to answer incoming calls.

The Financial Times today reported that growing number of iPhone X users are not getting Accept and Decline option when the phone is ringing. The phone rings but the display does light up only after 6-8 seconds.

Many users have been facing this issue since December and a rising number of complaints has been filed in Apple’s support forums.

One user writes:

Man I am facing exactly the same problem. I thought there was a problem with the device so I went to Apple service support in my country and gave to me a brand new replacement which has the same problem. It is definitely a software issue. Apple should do something about it as it is very annoying and I am losing my calls.

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It’s still unclear whether this is a software issue or hardware but there are number of users increasing facing the call issue on iPhone X.

Apple has already started to look into the problem and might come with a fix very soon, if it’s a software issue. If there is something wrong with the hardware, then Apple is going to be in a big trouble .

What’s your story? Have you also faced the call issue on iPhone X? Let us know…