Get Apple Pencil Like Charging Indicator On iPhone With PencilChargingIndicator Cydia Tweak

The new 2018 iPad Pro can charge the Apple Pencil 2 just by clipping it to the side of the iPad itself. And the animation that pops up from the top of the screen is really satisfying. You can get a similar animation on your iPhone also with a Cydia Tweak called PencilChargingIndicator.

If your device is Jailbroken then you can easily install it and see the changes the moment you respring your device. There are few other options that you can customize in this tweak such as changing the charging message, changing appearance to light, dark, light blurred or dark blurred. Also, you can apply the animation for all your notifications.

How To Get Apple Pencil Like Charging Indicator On iPhone

1: Launch Cydia

2: Add a repo using the Source tab

3: In the search tab of Cydia, search for PencilChargingIndicator

4: Install it

5: Respring the Device & Done!

What you think about this Cydia Tweak? Let us know in the comments section.

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