Nintendo’s Fire Emblem Heroes for iPhone is coming on February [Video]

After the huge
success of Super Mario Run, Nintendo planning to launch its tactical RPG game
Fire Emblem Heroes for iOS and Android on February 2nd this year. Fire Emblem
Heroes, will be available first on Google Play for Android on February 2nd, and
very soon on iPhone and iPad.

Nintendo Tweets;

Emblem Heroes
is an original strategy RPG about two warring kingdoms
in a bitter clash where players build their army by calling upon popular Fire
Emblem heroes from worlds that span the breadth of the series. Players will
wage tactical battles streamlined for on-the-go play and level up a mix of new
combatants and legendary heroes. Some familiar hero characters will become
allies, while others will become enemy generals.

Watch a
trailer video of Fire Emblem Heroes;

For more: iGN