New released iOS 9 Cydia Tweaks that you might have missed this week

Its time to look at some new cydia tweaks for iOS
9 released in this week for your jailbroken iOS devices which you might
missed this week due to lack of time and didn’t get a chance to look at Cydia daily. 
Its time to look at some new cydia tweaks for iOS 9 released in this week for your jailbroken iOS devices which you might missed this week due to lack of time
So here we come up with new
released iOS 9 compatible cydia tweaks for iPhone, iPad, and
iPod Touch. These all tweaks are just tested & work fine and are
available in Cydia via BigBoss ModMyi Repo.
So take a look what’s new in Cydia this week.
EarthView Walls 
cydia tweak that grabs random wallpapers from Google Earth for your device
is a cydia tweak that grabs random wallpapers from Google Earth for your device and also allows you to set an Activator action to set random wallpaper from Google’s Earth view images both on LockScreen as well as HomeScreen of your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. (Free) See review 
Volume Mixer 2 
cydia tweak that allows you to control the volume of each media channel & output separately
is a cydia tweak
that allows you to control the volume of each media channel & output
separately, instead of being able to change it only when that channel is active
(Ringer, Audio/Video for music, video and games, Phone Call, Bluetooth headset
& headphones). ($0.99) See review 
PowerDown Customizer (iOS 7) is a cydia tweak comes with iOS 7 support
that makes you easier when you power off your device, reboot, respring, lock
and even you can enter in safe mode with these quick actions. ($0.99) Seereview 
SpringFade is a tweak that gives you
nice face animation for the springboard. (Free)
FTAdjust is a cydia tweak that allows
you to change the folder title size accordingly. (Free) 
NCColor is a tweak that lets you
customize the notification center color. (Free)
SmsSave is a cydia tweak which lets you
save messages using context menu.(Free)
PauseAfterCall is a simple tweak which
prevents music from resuming after a phone call. (Free)
Let us know which is your favourite
Good news for jailbreakers who are in
iOS 9.1, PanGu has released the Jailbreak for iOS 9.1.
If your device has not yet jailbroken
then follow this simple steps on How to jailbreak iOS 9, 9.0.2 and 9.1

Note: Beware of fake Cydia  installed on iOS 9.2 or 9.2.1 because
its jailbreak is not yet released.