(30 July) – New released Cydia Tweaks this week
(23 rd July) – New released Cydia Tweaks this week
(16 th July) – New released Cydia Tweaks
(8th July) – New released Cydia Tweaks
(1st July) – New released Cydia Tweaks
What’s up guys! Now it’s time to look up the new iOS 10 and 9 compatible cydia tweaks & apps released for iPhone/iPad which you might missed in this week. When new tweaks are released in cydia, we’re so excited to install it but due to lack of time management we don’t get a chance to look at Cydia.
Every tweak brings some new features for customizing our iDevices. There are a number of tweaks that are released every day. But trying all of them is time consuming or some don’t work properly which may result in creating problem to your device.
So here we come up with “Cydia Tweaks of the Week” with new released cydia tweaks compatible with iOS 9 and 10 for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch that you might missed this week. These all tweaks are just tested & work fine and are available in Cydia via BigBoss & ModMyi Repo.
Take a look at new released Cydia tweaks of the week you might have missed
Actif 2 Allows you to create as many conditions for the activator. (Free)
Callisto Pro (iOS 10) A highly advanced passcode system. ($2.49)
CamMode Display camera code when switched. (Free)
Creamy 9(iOS 10/9) iOS 11 style passcode buttons in iOS 10-9. (Free)
HomeCardIconLabel Enable icon and label for home card. (Free)
Accelerated Unlock Remove passcode delay for non-touch-id devices. (Free)
BrowserChanger10 Open URL links in a browser of your choice. (Free)
CarPlay Lockout Disable lockout when connecting to CarPlay unit. (Free)
Torch on Focus Turn the flashlight on when the Camera app is trying to focus in low-light conditions. (Free)
CCustomize Includes full dark mood and the ability to remove graphical assets such as overlays (Free)
S8Edge This tweak will give curved edge look of Samsung’s flagship by using smoke and
mirrors rather than taking a file to your screen. (Free)
FullSafari Enables the iPad-like Safari tabs on an iPhone. (Free)
CarPlay Lockout Disables the auto-lockout that occurs when you connect your device to a
CarPlay unit.(Free)
F.Y.A. Hack Instagram lets you save PHOTOS and VIDEO with just one click and double click
for videos! They are saved in the background without slowing down. (Free)
Accelerated Unlock Remove that annoying delay when pressing the home button on the lock
screen to bring up the passcode screen, which makes unlocking your device with a passcode feel quicker. (Free)
TimeFormat Change the format of the date and time area of the status bar. (Free)
BrowserChanger10 Lets you open URL links in a browser of your choice! Supports Chrome, Firefox,
Dolphin, and iCab Mobile. (Free)
AdvanceStatusTime Customize the time entry in status bar. ($0.99)
Apace Control Spotify from CC and LS. ($1.99)
Applocker Locking solution to your device. ($0.99)
DarkTintsInConvosList Darker Convos list in Messages and more. (Free)
Erebus A dark mode for the iOS 10 Music app. (Free)
IamNoGenius Disable Genius/Behind the Lyrics in Spotify. (Free)
iFunnyWatermarkRemover Copying memes has never been easier. (Free)
InstantAssistant Launches Google Assistant in Listening mode. (Free)
LastLocked Replaces Press home text with Locked. (Free)
Memento Screenshots enhanced. (Free)
QuickTrust Adds trust button to untrusted developer alert. (Free)
RedditCollapse Swipe to collapse comments in Reddit app. (Free)
Safari Plus Various enhancements to Safari. (Free)
SCStoryTimer Restore story time like snapchat. (Free)
SkipMe Skip music tracks based on tags. (Free)
Social Downloader Download videos in Social apps. ($1.00)
Spotlight No Suggest Clear Spotlight search history/suggestions. (Free)
TimeMover Move, resize and rotate your lockscreen clock. ($1.99)
Watus 2 for WhatsApp All in one tweak for WhatsApp Messenger. (Free)
DetailedCellularUsage Unlock all hidden cellular data usage. (Free)
LSHiddenTools10 Visual Hidden options for Lockscreen. (Free)
SaveBot Save Videos from TweetBot. (Free)
SwitchTint Color customizer for switch toogles. (Free)
See Review
TouchBar Touch Bar on iOS like Macbook Pro. ($2.00)
See Review
Charge A clean minimalist charging view. ($0.99)
See Review
GuestMode 2 (iOS 10) Allow user access to apps you choose. ($0.99)
See Review
Toka NC instead of Spotlight on homescreen. (Free)
Classic Back to classics. Styled Notifications. (Free)
Horseshoe A better iOS 10 Control Center. ($2.50)
SkinnySettings Make your settings minimal/sleek and more. (Free)
Vibrancy (iOS 10) Make the lockscreen clock vibrant. (Free)
LaunchInSafeMode Use Force touch to launch app in safe mode. (Free)
SmartCameraShutter Make your Camera Shutter Buttons Smarter. (Free)
See Review
Thumbtack Pin notes with a long press. (Free)
AMP Always Music Page when playing. (Free)
Other Jailbreak Tweaks & Apps
BatteryBanners Show percentage of battery remaining. (Free)
CCVertically Vertical Control Center toggle button and media. (Free) See Review
Cheader Colored Banner Headers. (Free)
ClassicFolders 2 Bring back iOS 6 folders to iOS 10. ($1.99)
Hypeman Announce now playing track chnages. (Free)
IconCert Shows cert info on yalu icon. (Free)
Lace NCObey/Leash for iOS 10. (Free)
NaskedHotspotPass Sk the hotspot password in settings. (Free)
Masq Artwork theming & music aesthetics for iOS 10. ($1.75)
See Review
NCWallCustomizer Change background of Notification Center on iOS 10. (Free) See Review
NoBlurFrontCamera Disable blur in FaceTime’s front camera. (Free)
Pigeon Updated icon badges when clearing notification. (Free)
PresentPage Choose which page control center opens with. (Free)
Reddit Enhanced Suite of tweaks for Reddit app. (Free)
Bouncy10 An bounce animation throughout iOS. (Free)
CCStatus Set custom statuses for control center toggles. (Free)
CCVertically Vertical Toggle button and Media and more. (Free)
See review
MoreRecentSongsPlz Unlimited Number of Recently added songs in Music app. (Free)
MusicMoreColumns Make 3 columns in Music app. (Free)
NGXPlay Let your carplay can run any app that you want. (Free)
QuickFlash Quickly toggle flashlight from lock screen. (Free)
SpringToolz Stylized shapes for app icons. (Free)
See review
TapToOpen Tap on lockscreen notifications to open them. (Free)
WAStatusVolume Status volume of WhatsApp at your iDevice. ($0.99)
FolderAutoClose 10 Automatically closes folder after app launched. (Free)
No Date Today Hides date in Notification Center and Today view. (Free)
NoTime10 Removes today view widget and more. (Free)
SafaReaderFullScroll Force Safari App to open pages always in Reader. (Free)
Coco Make Do Not Disturb customizable for 3rd party Apps. (Free)
RedditOpenLinksInNarWhal Open Reddit links in Narwhal client. (Free)
ColorGram Full color customization for Instagram. ($1.49)
See Review
FancyNC Enhanced style of Notification Center. (Free)
Sparkasse4JB Removes jailbreak detection for Sparkasse app. (Free)
Spotlife Replace the Today Views page with Spotlight on the Homescreen and Lockscreen like iOS 9. (Free)
Accelerated Home Button Removes the Home Button Delay. (Free)
CCQuick Pro X for iOS10 Shorcuts and Powerful options for Control Center. ($2.99)
NoMoreFBStories Disables swipe cam in Fb stories. (Free)
WAUnknownGroupFix Allows delete unknown group chats in WhatsApp. (Free)
WeatherBanners Show current weather quick. ($0.99)
DismissAnywhere Listen to music while recording in camera. (Free)
Downloadally Adds a download button to musically. (Free)
ExactTime Shows the exact time of a =notification. (Free)
WA Status Save Save friend’s Whatsapp Status media to your device photo albums ($1.99)
betterNC10 Customization to Notification Center (Free)
Smooth3D Enhance 3D Touch Menu (Free)
LastTimeUnlocked (iOS 10) Check the last time when you unlocked your device (Free)
ExactTime Shows the exact time of a notification received (Free)
Downloadally Adds a download button to musically app (Free)
DismissAnywhere Dismiss a popup by tapping anywhere (Free)
Dndmymusic Listen to music while recording a video (Free)
WeatherBanners Shows the weather
condition in a banner ($0.99)
SCOthman For Snapchat Add features to the Snapchat app. (Free)
CCDataMore Enable cellular data in control center. (Free)
NoGoogleAMP Calls request desktop site in Safari. (Free)
Haskfm Enhancement tweaks for Askfm app. (Free)
PanoramaPapers Add a different image to each Screen. (Free)
See Review
WifiChannelBar Adds current wifi channel to status bar. (Free)
AirDrop Disabler Remove AirDrop from action sheets. (Free)
Don’t Stop The Party Lite Apple music during resprings. (Free)
Don’t Stop The Party Allows you to continue to listen to your music during resprings. ($2.00)
StatusPeek 2 (iOS 10) NC grabber as it was meant to be round 2. ($0.99)
GoAway Changes the iPhone is disable text. (Free)
Birdhouse Replace no notifications with a tweet. (Free)
i See Starts III (iOS 10) View ratings in playlist in Music. (Free)
AdBlock for YouTube Block YouTube Ads and Video Ads. (Free)
discreetVoiceMemos Make Discreet the VoiceMemos App. (Free)
NoMoreStories Remove stories from Facebook App. (Free)
Siliqua AirPods Gestures and New Features. (Free)
WAAutoReply Make WhatsApp can auto reply. ($5.00)
Contactifier See contact info in Message Conversation (Free)
WAAutoReply AutoReply for whatsapp messaging app ($5.00)
Siliqua Add features to Apple Airpods with gesture (Free)
NoMoreStories Remove Stories from facebook app (Free)
discreetVoiceMemos Customization from voice memos app (Free)
AsBlock for Youtube Block ads on Youtube app (Free)
I See Stars III (iOS 10) View ratings on Music app (Free)
GoAway Change the “iPhone is disabled” text to anything you like (Free)
StatusPeek 2 (iOS 10) Easily peek at the status bar by swiping down the NC ($0.99)
Don’t Stop The Party! Apple Music during resprings ($2.00)
ScreenshotBanners is a cydia tweak that replaces screenshot with banners. (Free)
Share Anywhere Activator shortcuts to show sharesheets/camera. (Free)
NotesCharacterCount is a cydia tweak that display character length for notes. (Free)
TransparentWeather Transparent Background for Weather App. (Free)
NoLockScreenCam is a cydia tweak that disallows accessing camera from lock screen. (Free)
BetterMessages is a cydia tweak that lets you change and add features to Message App. (Free)
See Review
ColorComments Color level of comments in Reddit/Narwhal app. (Free)
Brightify A light look-and-feel forSpotify. (Free)
Chirp Wholesome reminders on your lockscreen. (Free)
NoPaperLax Remove parallax effect on wallpaper. (Free)
QuickNowPlaying Quick now playing alerts. (Free)
RedditSafariVC Replaces Webkit controller in Reddit app. (Free)
Confero 2 An awesome way to control notifications. ($1.99)
See Review
Springtomize 4 (iOS 10) Customize your device like never before. ($3.99)
See Review
WeatherLock Animated weather background on the lockscreen. ($0.99)
UsageBarX (iOS 10) Mini effective tweaks for the usage bar. (Free)
HUDPlayer Change the stock volume HUD with banner. (Free in Xarold Repo)
EnhancedSwitcherClose More swipe features for app switcher. (Free)
PowerCaller Boosts volume for a specific caller. (Free)
ArtworkAnimations Animate native music app’s artwork. (Free)
NoUpdatesAvailable Remove labels from all icons. (Free)
CCNoFloating Control Center animated like old CC. (Free)
PPTPFix Use native PPTP VPN on iOS 10. (Free)
ringUI Make Square some features of the UI. (Free)
See Review
CustomLockscreenDuration Customize time for sleep on lockscreen. (Free)
Unicus LockScreen customization tool. (Free)
YouTubeVolume Youtube Volume Bar everywhere. (Free)
See Review
Zeal Take control over your battery alerts. ($1.99)
See Review
MaskMe10 Manage your notification by filtering out names and message content to custom text via specific keywords. (Free)
CanYouLikeNot Stops auto-showing passcode screen. (Free)
MailClientDefault10 Set a default mail client to open. (Free)
NotifyCensored Censor notifications details for some apps. (Free)
SafariEnhancer10 Useful and fun features for safari iOS 10. (Free)
Defluxit Let your notification fade away. (Free)
Safe Alarm 3 (iOS 10) Safe Alarm 3- Volume, playlists, fade and much more. ($1.99)
WidgeficationX (iOS 10) Beautifully customize the look of widgets/notifications. (Free)
Moose Change the color of text selection. (Free)
BouncyNC10 Bounce effect for the NC & more. (Free)
ColorKimcil 10 Customize color Notification Center, Lockscreen, Data NC/LS and banner. (Free)
Delay Read Receipts (iOS 10) Don’t send read receipt until typing a reply or sending the message. (Free)
SleekNotifications Minimal notifications for iOS 10. (Free)
Cercube 4 Allows you to download audio and videos on iOS 10. Xarold Repo (Free)
See Review
WiFi Top Toggle WiFi setting toggle in the navigation bar. (Free)
BiggieSmallcc Make CC album art bigger. (Free)
No Spotlight BG Mask Removes background mask in spotlight. (Free)
BorderIcon+ Customize color of icon borders, folder and badges. (Free)
See Review
NoSpot10 Get rid of Spotlight on iOS 10. (Free)
PulseHUD Replace the ugly vloume HUD by a smooth pulse. (Free)
QuickPowerMode Tap Statusbar battery for low power mode. (Free)
Acapella III (iOS 10) Elegant, gesture based music controls. ($2.99)
DragMeDown (iOS 10) A highly advanced multitasking tweak. (Free)
See Review
FolderColor Customize your folder color. (Free)
iCaughtU Pro (iOS 10) Send location and photo when wrong password entered. ($2.50)
See Review
Kotak10 No bubble for Lockscreen, Force Touch Notification center and more. (Free)
MinimalRedditSnoo A better looking subreddit header. (Free)
MoonPhase Track phase of the moon in status bar. ($0.99)
Pasithea 2 (iOS 10) Manage the iOS pasteboard history. ($1.99)
StoreSwitcher Switch App Store accounts easily. ($0.99)
Temporal World clock/timezones on lockscreen. ($1.15)
3DColorChanger 10 Customize your 3D Touch menu’s colors. ($0.99)
Build That Wall Turn off the spying from that government. (Free)
PreferMyFi2 Prefer a priority for your WiFi networks that allows you to pace 2 WiFi networks and make you connect to the first one. (Free)
ShotBanner 10 A simple tweak that presents options when a Screenshot is taken and replace Screenflash with Notification Banner. (Free)
See Review
Harp Uses different haptic gestures to provide intuitive feedback when you control the music. (Free)
See Review
Skinnyhud Make your HUD Panel Minimalist. (Free)
See Review
CCPlus Customize your iOS 10 Control Center. (Free)
See Review
Enabled Ethernet Enable Ethernet in Settings For iOS 10.2. (Free)
KB – NoPredictiveBackground Keyboard Predictive No Background. (Free)
SiriSpotlight Prefix Spotlight searches with Siri. (Free)
TapTap Statusbar Tap to manual show or hide statusbar. (Free)
SpotifySwitches Flipswitches and more for Spotify. (Free)
TouchUnlock Allow user interaction during the unlock animation. (Free)
SpotifyCancelDoesCancel Cancel automatically closes “Add to playlist” view. (Free)
Kaze Quick Switcher and Hot Corners. (Free)
See review
SpringChanger Change colors of respring screen. (Free)
SnapSpoofer Spoof your screenshot and view count for Snapchat. (Free)
SimpleLSiOS10 Simple lockscreen for iOS 10 devices. (Free)
GeniusHelper Send your tweak list to /r/jailbreak discord geniuses. (Free)
ClearBadges3DTouch10 3D Touch shorcut to clear app badge. (Free)
BlurTouchClean Hide Blur on 3D Touch Supported Devices. (Free)
Onizuka More useful and beautiful Control Center. ($0.99)
See review
HideMeX (iOS 10) The Ultimate iOS Customizing Experience. ($2.99)
ColorFlow 3 (iOS 10) Colors the music UI to match the currently playing song’s album
network. ($1.99)
ColorBanners 2 (iOS 10) Color your notifications. ($0.99)
AlphaPaper Customize dark overlay on Lock and Home screen. (Free)
3DSwitcher 2 (iOS 9 & 10) 3D display modes for the app swicther.($1.99)
LockMusic Clean design for lockscreen music player. ($0.99)
See review
NougatShorcuts Customize the style of 3D Touch shorcuts. (Free)
See review
LockGlypX (iOS 10) Themeable LockScreen Glyph. (Free)
FolderUsage Swipe
up folders to view disk usage. (Free)
ByeByeHUD Get rid of the annoying stock Volume HUD! (Free)
DisplayDingTalkRevokedMessage Show messages that revoked by someone. (Free)
SwipeToClearNotification 10 Clear Notification with just one tap (Free)
NotifyMusic Show notification on banner when a song is changed (Free)
CCWallCustomizer Change
the background of the Control Center on iOS 10+ (Free)
See review
PerfectFit Force
apps to fit your screen (Free)
TeloletCharging 10 Customize charging sound effect (Free)
Phone Tools Customize toolbox for phone.app. (Free)
See review
No Suggestions Youtube Remove the new suggestions/related pop up in youtube app. (Free)
Facebook Legacy UI Make Facebook UI back to legacy mode (Free)
Onion Peel a layer off the control center. (Free)
ViewBatteryBold Tweak for customizing batterybar. (Free)
SpringPlus All round modification for your iDevice. (Free)
Spin (iOS 10) Circular media controls on Lock-Screen ($0.99)
Nest10 Allows devices to make folder inside folder (Free)
Custom Text (iOS10) Change the ” Home To Unlock” text to anything
you like. (Free)
Falcon A powerful, dynamic lock screen and NC add-on ($1.49)
See review
App Center Add apps as pages in Control Center ($3.99)
See review
9Folderz styled folder for iOS 10. (Free)
Youtube Tools Essential toolbox for Youtube app. (Free)
See review
ReformX Springboard customization tweak. (Free)
See review
NougatFolder Android Nougat style folder icons in iOS. (Free)
Eyeplugs Suppress banners in apps. (Free)
Sonus is a beautiful looking replacement for the annoying stock volume hud. ($1.99)
NoWifiWhenRunThisPlz is a cydia tweak that lets you choose which apps should run only over cellular data that is it automatically disconnect from Wifi when launching specific applications. (Free)
AccessWithinApps is a cydia tweak that manage which apps can use control center and notification center. (Free)
ClearNotificationOneTapPlz is a cydia tweak that allows you to clear NC notifications with one tap. (Free)
NoClose is a cydia tweak that prompts before closing now playing application. (Free)
TranslucentMessages is a cydia tweak that adds a stunning new look to your messages and makes your messages app translucent and blurred. (Free)
MessageFilter is a cydia tweak that enables display weather on Lockscreen and Notification Center. (Free)
Calendar for Lockscreen 2 is a cydia tweak that displays upcoming events from your calendar and fully blends in with the existing lockscreen components both in looks and the functionality. ($1.99)
Camera Tools is a cydia tweak that brings a range of customization tools including a heavily made overhaul to the camera interface. (Free)
Low Power Modder is a cydia tweak that set a custom battery percentage to turn on Low Power Mode. (Free)
MakeRespringsGreatAgain is a cydia tweak that brings back the apple logo for resprings. (Free)
Mitsuha is a cydia tweak that brings the Jell-O wave effect for music app. (Free)
PassButtonStyle is a cydia tweak that brings different styles for the Passcode Buttons.(Free)
3DLight is a cydia tweak that makes it a white color and simple for notifications center and control center and 3D touch. (Free)
PickPocket 2 (iOS 10) is a powerful, full featured and higly customizable cydia tweak to protect you device against thieves. (Free)
Aerial is a cydia tweak that color your status bar indicators icons in beautiful way. (Free)
AntiSocial : Leave any group chat. (Free)
CustomTime+ 9(iOS 10/9) is a cydia tweak that lets you customize the time string in the status bar. (Free)
greenWifi is a cydia tweak that brings green control center Wifi toggle. (Free)
MusicMark is a cydia tweak that allows music app to remeber your song’s position. (Free)
NoMessengerDay is a cydia tweak that removes Day from FB messnger threads view. (Free)
Photo Tools is a customization toolbox for photos. (Free)
RecentCalls+ is a cydia tweak that lets you make your call log more fun and usable, also adds the search functionality. ($1.49)
SocialEnhancer10 is a cydia tweak that brings many sharing features for your socail apps. (Free)
SpotStationNoLikedSongsPlz is a cydia tweak that froce Spotify to play only new songs in stations. (Free)
NoLSPadLock is a cydia tweak that removes the PadLock from the LS status bar. (Free)
Appcon is a cydia tweak that allows you to set icon images from your photo library. ($1.99)
ColorMeBaddge is a cydia tweak that colorize your app badges using variety of colorization algorithms. (Free)
DoNotAnnoy is a cydia tweak that stops annoyance of multiple sound and vibration alerts on received notifications like he message above. ($1.99)
HapticScroll is a cydia tweak that brings haptic feedback when top/bottom scroll limit is reached. ($1.49)
Harbor (iOS 10) is a cydia tweak that brings OS X-style dock redesigned for touch screens. ($0.99)
iTouchSecure 10 : Touch ID Autofill everywhere
Telt X is a cydia tweak that brings a kiosk mode for Photos app. (Free)
Unify : Group your notifications by app at locakscreen/Notification Center
Noctis (iOS 10) : Dar Mode for iOS 10
More Cydia Tweaks released this month:
DisplayWeather 10 is a cydia tweak that enables display weather on Lockscreen and Notification Center. (Free)
Camera Mode 10 is a cydia tweak that activates Portrait Mode and all features from iPhone 7 Plus in any older iPhones running iOS 10. (Free)
See Review\
ControlMyCenter is a cydia tweak that changes the control center toggles. (Free)
FingerTouch is a cydia tweak that lets you use your Touch ID sensor as a gesture controller. (Free)
NoMusicLabel is a cydia tweak that hides/makes small the labels from music on Lockscreen. (Free)
SameStatusBar is a cydia tweak that changes your lockscreen statusbar and homescreen statusbar to the same size. (Free)
SmartVPN is a cydia tweak that auto start/close VPN for app list. (Free)
TGUnBlock is a cydia tweak that unblocks blocked channel on telegram. (Free)
CRSettings is a cydia tweak that enables custom image in your Reachability view. (Free)
RunMario is a cydia tweak that allows you to play SuperMarioRun on jailbreak device. (Free)
See Review.
elexplicit is a cydia tweak that disables telegram pornography/copyright checks for channel and groups in iOS. (Free)
App Percent is a cydia tweak that shows percentage and device notification when an app download is finished. (Free)
CCShadowRemover is a cydia tweak that removes the dark shadow above the CC. (Free)
CleanNotifications10 is a cydia tweak that gives notifications and widgets a cleaner look. (Free)
DizzyFolders is a cydia tweak that change folder opening animations on iOS. (Free)
Eclipse 4 (iOS 10) is a cydia tweak that brings system-wide Night Mode and more for iOS 10. (Free)
Faster Charging is a cydia tweak that allows you to charge your iPhone fast. (Free)
HapticKeyboard is a cydia tweak that enables taptic feedback for keyboard. (Free)
KillBackground10 is a cydia tweak that kills background apps with style for iOS 10. (Free)
NoSharePlz is a cydia tweak that removes iOS 10 share menu. (Free)
NoYoutubeDoubleTap is a cydia tweak that disables double tap gesture on the video player to skip forward/backward 10 seconds. (Free)
Safari Tools is a cydia tweak that customizes toolbox for safari. (Free)
SingleLineDate is a cydia tweak that makes the date in today view one line. (Free)
TapticPasscodeButtons is a cydia tweak that gives taptic feedback on passcode buttons. (Free)
CameraShy is a cydia tweak that brings the iOS camera grabber back in creative way by using the existing camera page indicator. (Free)
Gorgone is a cydia tweak that enables the splitview and slideover features. (Free)
NCNoPageBounce is a cydia tweak that disable the bounce effect on the notification center pages. (Free)
PureSkate is a cydia tweak that removes stickers from true skate skateparts. (Free)
Wormhole is a cydia tweak that brings some fun new force touch toggles to your control center on iOS 10. (Free)
CCNoPageBounce is a cydia tweak that disables the bounce effect in control center pages in iOS 10. (Free)
DarkMessages is a cydia tweak that adds dark mode for message app. (Free)
See review
HideMeridiem is a cydia tweak that lets you hide AM and PM from the status bar. (Free)Immortal is a cydia tweak that prevents the expiration of signed iOS apps. (Free)
SMSmileys is a cydia tweak that allows you to send the smile emoji by just typing the symbol :-). (Free)
SmoothKeyboard is a cydia tweak that gives you the visual option to make sleek and smoother the keyword on the homescreen. (Free)
TweetMuter is a timeline keyword mute filter for twitter app. (Free)
CCRecorder (iOS 10) is a cydia tweak that allows you to record your screen directly from your control center. (Free)
CCButtonActions is a cydia tweak that . (Free) adds 3D touch shorcuts to control center top bar. (Free)
Circa is a cydia tweak that roundify your homescreen icons. (Free in Xarold Repo)
Horseshoe is a cydia tweak that changes the iOS 10 control widgets into one control center. (Free in Xarold Repo)
DarkNumberBadge is a cydia tweak that applies a dark tint to app icon badges. (Free)
Heart Throb is a cydia tweak that double tap on pictures in the Photos app to add them to
favorite. (Free)
LargeCCKnobs is a cydia tweak that enlarges the Control Center slider knobs in iOS 9. (Free)
Noctis9 is an alternative cydia tweak to Eclipse for enabling dark mode in iOS 9. ($2.00)
Pyro is a cydia tweak that (Free): brings new features to the iOS Tinder app. (Free)
ReachBoard is a cydia tweak that displays your most recent clipboard content in the Reachability view. (Free)
AntiTracker is a cydia tweak that notify you immediately when tracked by others via FindMyFreinds and stores all tracking records as well running in BackGround. (Free)
Quickify is a cydia tweak that enables the Spotify save button in CC and LS. (Free)
Speak This Flipswitch is a cydia tweak that adds toggle for Speak Selection option. (Free)
3D Touch Fliswitch is a cydia tweak that enables flipswitch toggle for accessibility 3D Touch option.. (Free)
inspectorplus is a cydia tweak that inspector any app’s UIWebView or WKWebview. (Free)
Photicon is a cydia tweak that adds a dynamic icon for your photos app. (Free)
AdapticeColorAlerts is a cydia tweak that gives the visual option to color all the alerts basedn on the Wallpaper’s tint. (Free)
3D Touch Flipswitch is a cydia tweak that lets you fast toggling for 3D touch. (Free)
MultiActions is a cydia tweak that allows you to delete multiple folders, apps at once.($1.49)
UnderSideBar is a cydia tweak that gives you the visual option to put down the statusbar on the top of the screen choosing from custom positions.
AntennaGIFDL is a cydia tweak that lets you download GIFs and more features from Antenna. (Free)
NoTodayView (iOS 10) is a cydia tweak that disable the today view in iOS 10. (Free)
Post Views: 20