Ming-Chi Kuo, Apple could increase a iPhone sales and millions of users to switch
to iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus with the discontinuation of Samsung’s Galaxy Note
7(due to exploding batteries).
Consumers that have switched from Note 7
to iPhone after the recall and halted production can be identified as having
the following characteristics: (1) no trust in the Samsung brand anymore; (2)
could be former iOS users; (3) like dual camera feature; and (4) like the
subsidy packages of telecom operators (iPhone 7 and 7 Plus were the most
promoted flagship models in September).

Apple’s biggest benefits of the Note 7 discontinuation have already
“peaked out.” It’s estimated that it will take Apple between 3 and 5
weeks to accommodate additional orders of the iPhone 7, especially “if the
company does not expand the current production capacity of the iPhone 7
In addition to that, Kuo believes that Huawei would gain the second biggest
benefit from the Samsung’s Note 7’s failure because it could be the best
alternative for Note 7 users to remain with the Android rather than iOS. Beside
that Google’s Pixel and Pixel XL smartphone could also obtain some of the Note
7 customers. So it is hard to predict how customer would react behind this
iPhone? Let us know in the comments below..