iPhone 8 Schematic hints With Vertical Dual-Lens Camera, Wireless Charging and No rear Touch ID

An alleged iPhone 8 schematic leaked design
hints vertically aligned dual-lens camera, no rear touch ID and wireless

As posted by KK, the iPhone 8 schematic does not have a rear Touch ID sensor as
rumored but there will be wireless charging as there is circular shape in the
center of the device.

An alleged iPhone 8 schematic leaked design hints vertically aligned dual-lens camera, no rear touch ID and wireless charging.

A few hours before posting the iPhone 8 schematic, KK tweeted “#iphone8 supports
wireless charging within 5 meters, is this something u guys want?”

Beside that Powermat CEO Elad Dubzinski also recently claimed that Apple
announced wireless charging for its next generation smartphone. So it’s
difficult to believe this leak.
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