How to send Invisible Ink message using iMessage on iOS 10

Invisible Ink message on iMessage is a
new feature introduced on iOS 10. It allows you to hide a message and photo
that you want to send it to your friends. The way of seeing the Invisible
Message is also different. All you have to do is scratch the part message part
on iMessage to reveal it.
Invisible Ink message on iMessage is a new feature introduced on iOS 10. It allows you to hide a message and photo
Also See: 
Here is How you can send an Invisible
Ink message using iMessage on iOS 10

Step 1: Launch iMessage and Enter the recipient
address or phone number.
Step 2: Create a message with text or
Step 3: Now here comes the tricky part.
All you have to do is 3D Touch the send button to invoke various styles to send
your message. (Tap and hold the send button for non 3D Touch devices)
Invisible Ink message on iMessage is a new feature introduced on iOS 10. It allows you to hide a message and photo

Step 4: Tap on INVISIBLE INK option and
once it turns invisible tap the blue send button again to send it.
Invisible Ink message on iMessage is a new feature introduced on iOS 10. It allows you to hide a message and photo
Have you used this feature with your friends
yet? You should give it a try and let us knoe what you think about this
Comment below if you have any iOS tips
and tricks to share.