Instagram to feature Direct Messages on the Web

According to the report from TechCrunch, Instagram is internally testing a web version of Instagram Direct message that lets people access and sends a message from the Web rather than the app only. Now, Users have an ability to use Instagram and send a Direct message directly from a desktop, laptop or Mac, any mobile via a web browser. 

There is no official announcement for the addition of this feature yet. So keep in touch with us for more updates.

“In the current design, Direct on the web is available from a Direct arrow icon in the top right of the screen. The feature looks like it will use an…. URL structure. If the feature becomes popular, perhaps Facebook will break it out with its own Direct destination website similar to https://www.messenger.comwhich launched in 2015. Instagram began testing a standalone Direct app last year, but it’s yet to be officially launched and doesn’t seem exceedingly popular.”

This could be easy facilitating the users to send Direct messages from other devices like Desktop, Laptop or Mac. So what you say about Instagram’s  new DM feature? Would it be reliable? Let us know in the comments.

Source: TechCrunch