How to Enable and Use Color Filters in iOS 10 on iPhone or iPad

With the introduction of iOS
10, Apple has added new features called “Color Filters” in iOS 10 Accessibility section.
With iOS 10 Color Filters, you can have the ability to change the filters on your
iPhone-iPad to different options like Grayscale, Red/Green Filter, Color tint,
Blue/Yellow Filter and more who have the less vision power. You can even adjust the sensitivity of your device
screen colors as you like. 


Some users might have difficulties in looking at the
bright colors of their device screen in normal and even in the Night Shift mode
also. So with Color Filters features in iOS 10 you can make vision more convenient
and easy by choosing or adjusting one of the filter color according to your
need. You can just relax your eyes with the iOS 10 Color Filters option.
How to Use Color
Filters in iOS 10 on iPhone or iPad
Step 1. Launch Settings >>
Tap on General and then tap on Accessibility
Step 2. Under Vision
section, tap on Display Accommodations.


Step 3. Among all functions,
tap on Color Filters and toggle ON the Color Filters switch.


Step 4. Next, you can
find many Color Filters options like Grayscale, Red/Green Filter, Green/Red
Filter, Blue/Yellow Filter & Color tint.


Step 5. Choose one of
the Color Filters and adjust the Intensity of your filter you need to have on
your iPhone-iPad.


That’s all you have
successfully adjusted the Color Filters in iOS 10 on iPhone or iPad.
If you no longer want to use
Color Filters on your iPhone-iPad running iOS 10 or later, you can easily disable
it anytime.
How to Turn Off Color filters
in iOS 10 on iPhone
Step 1. Go to Settings
>> Accessibility >> Display Accommodations


Step 2. Simply toggle OFF
the switch to turn of Color Filters and get back to normal screen color on your
iPhone or iPad.