How to snap photos on iPhone 7 Plus with Portrait Camera Mode running iOS 10.1 or higher

Apple has
added a Portrait Camera mode which is one of the biggest new feature to appear
in iPhone 7 Plus running iOS 10.1. Portrait Camera mode is an iPhone 7 Plus exclusive that wields the new iSight Duo camera
module to create stunning portraits with shallow depth of field.
How to snap photos on iPhone 7 Plus with portrait mode running iOS 10 or higher. Step 1 : Open up Camera App
Since iOS 10.1
is in beta stage and the final version of iOS 10.1 is yet to release so here’s
some simple tips on;
How to snap photos on iPhone 7 Plus with portrait
mode running iOS 10 or higher.

Step 1 : Open
up Camera App
Step 2: Above
Shutter button you can see many camera options including Portrait Camera Mode.
Step 3 : Just
swipe your camera mode to Portrait Mode as you can in the screenshot and snap
your favorite photos.
With this you
can create a portrait with a depth effect that keeps your subject sharp while
creating a beautifully blurred background.

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