How to Set 360 Degree Image as a Cover Photo on Facebook App on iPhone

Facebook has added 360 degree photo capturing feature on its new update which means you can capture 360 degree photo using the in-app feature and upload it on Facebook on iPhone.

Uploading 360 degree photo on Facebook was already possible using the Panorama image but now you can capture and upload 360 degree photos using the built-in feature from Facebook app. Not only that, you can even upload 360 degree image as a cover photo on your profile which is a pretty cool thing.

How to upload 360 degree photo as a cover image on Facebook app

Step 1: Open your Facebook Profile

Step 2: Tap Edit from the lower right corner of the Cover photo


Step 3: Tap Take a New 360 Photo and move your device from left to right or right to left to capture 360 degree photo

Note: If you already have a 360 image on your camera roll then you can set it as a cover photo by tapping the Upload Photo option from the top

Step 4: Once done, tap the blue button with an arrow and your 360 degree image will be set as a cover photo on Facebook app

You can also upload 360 degree photo on your main feed of Facebook app

Step 1: Launch Facebook app

Step 2: Tap Update Status option

Step 3: Scroll down and tap 360 Photo

Step 4: Move your device to capture 360 photo and once done, tap the blue button with an arrow on it.

So that’s all folks! This feature is available for both iOS and Android running devices.

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