iOS 11’s Notes App has a hidden Document Scanner – Here is how to Scan

Did you know, iOS 11 has a hidden document scanning feature inside Notes app? If you don’t know yet then we are here to guide you to enable this awesome feature.

Gone are the days when you had to buy document scanning apps from the Appstore. This feature is now built into the iOS 11’s Notes app. But many users might be unaware about this.

Now scan important document right from your Notes app from iPhone and iPad. No need of big scanning machines or third party apps. With iOS 11 Notes app, scan useful document on the go!

How to Scan Document from iOS 11 Notes App

scan document ios 11 notes app

  1. Launch Notes App
  2. Create a new Note
  3. Tap the [+] Sign
  4. Tap Scan Documents
  5. Place camera on document that you want to scan. The best part is you even don’t need to tap the camera shutter. It automatically adjust the angle and takes the best scan copy of the document for you.
  6. Tap Keep Scan and Save to save it to the Notes App.

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