How to Save .SHSH2 blobs for Prometheus with tsssaver

Recently, iOS hacker tihmstar has announced the upcoming release of his tool Prometheus that allows you to
downgrade and upgrade unsigned iOS firmware version of iPhone, iPad and iPod
touch by which you will always be able to jailbreak your device at any time
even after Apple stops signing window.
For this, you must save your blobs in
a new format called .shsh2 using tihmstar’s
tool called tsschecker

How to save .SHSH2 Blobs for iPhone, iPad or iPod touch for Prometheus with tssaver Go to the converted hexadecimal ECID you had copied above. Select your device type i.e. iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.
To save .shsh2 blobs for downgrading and
upgrading an unsigned iOS firmware like iOS 10.1, iOS 10.1.1, you first need to go to tihmstar’s
 and download tsschecker tool which supports Mac, Windows
and Linux.
And thankfully, 1Conan, a reddit user
has carried out and created an online tool called
auto-tsschecker that allows you to save .shsh2 blobs for Prometheus to
downgrade or upgrade an iPhone, iPad and iPod touch to an unsigned iOS firmware
version like iOS 10.1, iOS 10.1.1. Please note that saving .shsh with TinyUmbrella will
not work for Prometheus.

However you
can easily save .shsh2 blobs with TssSaver which allows you to
Downgrade/Upgrade Unsigned iOS Firmware Version . To use the online
tsssaver, you need the ECID and an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch’s device
Here’s How to find ECID of your iPhone,
iPad or iPod touch
  • Launch iTunes and Connect your iOS
    device to the computer with lightning usb cable.
  • Click on Summary in the left-hand
How to save .SHSH2 Blobs for iPhone, iPad or iPod touch for Prometheus with tssaver Go to the converted hexadecimal ECID you had copied above. Select your device type i.e. iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.
  • Click on the Serial number field in the
    Summary tab until you see the ECID.
  • Now Right-click on it and copy it to the

Please note that decimal ECID which
you have copied earlier, it will not save the correct .shsh2 blobs for iOS 10.1.1 for
downgrading and upgrading with Prometheus tool. 

For this, you need a
hexadecimal ECID and to convert the decimal ECID into hexadecimal you can use
this link.
How to find iPhone, iPad or iPod touch’s
device identifier
  • To find iPhone, iPad or iPod touch’s device
    identifier you can use this website.

How to save .SHSH2 Blobs for
iPhone, iPad or iPod touch for Prometheus with tssaver

How to save .SHSH2 Blobs for iPhone, iPad or iPod touch for Prometheus with tssaver Go to the converted hexadecimal ECID you had copied above. Select your device type i.e. iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.
  • Paste the converted hexadecimal ECID you
    had copied above.
  • Select your device type i.e. iPhone,
    iPad or iPod touch.
  • Next, enter your iOS device’s
    identifier, eg. 8,1 for iPhone 6S models.
  • Press Submit.
  • When submitted, it will save your .shsh2
    blobs and give you the link.
How to save .SHSH2 Blobs for iPhone, iPad or iPod touch for Prometheus with tssaver Go to the converted hexadecimal ECID you had copied above. Select your device type i.e. iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.
  • Click on that link and you will see the
    various .shsh2 blobs saved with iOS accordingly.
How to save .SHSH2 Blobs for iPhone, iPad or iPod touch for Prometheus with tssaver Go to the converted hexadecimal ECID you had copied above. Select your device type i.e. iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.

That’s it. You have successfully saved .shsh2
with TSS Saver which allows you to downgrade and upgrade your iPhone, iPad and
iPod touch in any iOS with Promethues anytime which definitely helps in
jailbreaking iOS 10.1, iOS 10.1.1 in the future.

Isn’t this an easier method? And stay
updated when tihmstar releases the Prometheus to downgrade or upgrade
to an unsigned iOS firmware version like iOS 10.1, 10.1.1.