How to fast redial a Phone Number on Your iPhone

iPhone has easy redialing method in it when you compare to the other phones. Well there’s a really fast shortcut you
can make from the Phone app when you wanted to redial a number or call back the
person you previously talked to. 

Well there's a really fast shortcut you can make from the Phone app when you wanted to redial a number or call back the person you previously talked to.

So instead of going to your recents or search
through your contacts and call the previous person you wanted to dial then you
can do it with simple quick taps. 

So to do this, open the Phone app. Tap
on Keypad
Well there's a really fast shortcut you can make from the Phone app when you wanted to redial a number or call back the person you previously talked to.
Now tap on the green call button to redial and the previous number
with contact number or contact name will be show at the top. 
Tap the green call button again to make the call or simply redial the number.
Tap the green call
button again to make the call or simply redial the number.

That’s it! 
Note: when tapping the green button, the
previous number appears, if you then delete that number by pressing the x, you
will need to enter a number for the redial to work again. 
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