How to Get Old iOS 6 Style Lockscreen Slider on iPhone

Thanks to the developer who brought the older lock screen slider of iOS 6. Do you still remember the iconic and lock screen slider?

To be frank, I loved the previous old iOS slider very much. Apple completely ditched the slider from the iOS 7 and is continuing the same on current iOS 12.2 as well.

The Jailbreak community and the developer of jailbreak tweaks are so talented that they are making all things possible to bring back most popular old features on current iOS versions as well.

I am enjoying the iOS lock screen slider on my iPhone X running iOS 12 Jailbreak of Unc0ver and it’s your time to get on your iPhone too.

How to Get older iOS 6 lock screen on iPhone?

Here’s how to get the older iOS 6 style lock screen on your iPhone or iPad running iOS 12.1.2 or below.

First, you need to jailbreak your device with the compatible jailbreak tool Unc0ver on iOS 12.1.2 or lower.

If you have already jailbroken your device then simply go to Cydia and add a repository called

After that, search the Six (LS), install it and respring your device.

You have now successfully enabled the iOS 6 lock screen slider on your iPhone.

Along with that, you can have the option to configure the tweak on your own way after installation where there are lots of options like enabling or disabling the tweak, slide text customization, wallpaper shadow customization,  etc.


Similarly, Six (LS) bring the same old lock sound,  charging sound and classic notifications.

So give it a try and share your thoughts about the older lock screen slider on your latest iOS installed devices.