How To Get Minimalist Volume HUD On iPhone

The stock volume ringer on iOS is boring and it’s even annoying because it comes in the middle of the screen when triggering the volume level. Now replace that with a minimalist HUD with a new Cydia tweak called Sonus12.

The tweak is developed by the iOS developer ubik which enables a brand new volume level bar on a Jailbroken iPhone.

Sonus12 can be highly customizable as there are tons of settings available to play with. You will find a separate preference pane in the Settings app. You can change the appearance of the volume HUD, change the size and position, change the animation and many more.

If you would like to install Sonus12 on your iPhone then it’s available in the repo for $1.75 and it is compatible with iOS 11 and iOS 12.

How To Get Sonus12 From Cydia

1: Launch Cydia

2: Tap Source – Edit – Add source

3: Tap the Search tab and search for Sonus12

4: Install it and you’re done!

What do you think about this beautiful Cydia Tweak?