How to Completely Turn Off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth in iOS 11 on iPhone or iPad

Is your Wifi and Bluetooth stills running in
the background and is not tuning off? Here’s how to turn off Wifi and Bluetooth
completely to get some extra battery life in iOS 11.

Apple has redesign the Control Center in iOS
11 with lots of new toggles and features in it. With iOS 11 Control Center you
can able to turn on Wi-Fi, Cellular Data, Bluetooth, Airplane, Airdrop, Music,
Screen recording, Flashlight, Camera, Low power mode and more.

Here's a quick way to turn off or disable Wi-Fi and Bluetooth completely in iOS 11 on your iPhone or iPad with these following steps.
But in some feature like Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
Apple no longer lets you completely turn off or disable the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
in iOS 11 or later when you toggle of the switch of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth from
the control center. Apple has knowingly added this feature for some instant. 

Because of that, your Wi-Fi and Bluetooth still runs in the background of your
iPhone or iPad which ultimately drains of battery. To stop that you need to
turn off or disable Wi-Fi and Bluetooth completely on your iPhone or iPad in
iOS 11 with these following steps;

How to Completely Disable Wifi and Bluetooth
in iOS 11 on iPhone/iPad

You might not have notice when disabling the
Wifi and Bluetooth from Control Center in iOS 11 won’t completely turn off. It
actually stops the process of Wifi and Bluetooth connectivity but still runs in
the background for some other reasons like AirDrop, AirPlay, Location Services,
Apple Watch and more.

If you want your Wifi and Bluetooth to be
completely turn off on your iPhone or iPad running iOS 11, then here’s how……
How to Completely Turn Off  Wifi in iOS 11 on iPhone/iPad

#1. Go to Settings on iPhone
or iPad.

Here's a quick way to turn off or disable Wi-Fi and Bluetooth completely in iOS 11 on your iPhone or iPad with these following steps.
#2. Next Tap on Wi-Fi.

Here's a quick way to turn off or disable Wi-Fi and Bluetooth completely in iOS 11 on your iPhone or iPad with these following steps.

As you can in the screenshot that your Wifi
stills in On stage and running in the background.

#3. Now Toggle off the switch to
completely turn Off Wi-Fi.

Here's a quick way to turn off or disable Wi-Fi and Bluetooth completely in iOS 11 on your iPhone or iPad with these following steps.


How to Completely Turn Off  Bluetooth in iOS 11 on iPhone/iPad

#1. As above simply Go to Settings on
your iPhone/iPad.

Here's a quick way to turn off or disable Wi-Fi and Bluetooth completely in iOS 11 on your iPhone or iPad with these following steps.

#2. Next Tap on Bluetooth

Here's a quick way to turn off or disable Wi-Fi and Bluetooth completely in iOS 11 on your iPhone or iPad with these following steps.

As you can in the screenshot that your Bluetooth
stills in On stage and running in the background.

#3. Now Toggle off the switch to
completely turn Off Bluetooth.

Here's a quick way to turn off or disable Wi-Fi and Bluetooth completely in iOS 11 on your iPhone or iPad with these following steps.

It’s done. You have now successfully turned
off your both Wifi and Bluetooth in iOS 11 on iPhone/iPad.
If you find this tip useful then share this
post and also find us on Apple News too.