How to Enable Low Power Mode from Control Center on iOS 11

Apples iOS 11 has improved a lot in
terms of features. It has added many features onto it. One of the feature it
has added is ability to enable Low Power Mode from the iOS 11 Control Center.
How to Enable Low Power Mode from Control Center on iOS 11. Here is how you can add Low Power Mode toggle on iOS 11 Control Center
Before iOS 11, it was not possible to
enable Low Power Mode from the Control Center unless your device was
Jailbroken. By default, you could not enable low power mode from the Control
To enable Low Power Mode on iOS 10 and
lower, you would have to manually go to Settings – Battery and manually enable
Low Power Mode but with the help of iOS 11 and its new redesigned Control
Center, you will be able to enable Low Power Mode from within the Control

How to Enable Low Power Mode from
Control Centre on iOS 11
Before you can start enabling Low Power
Mode from the Control Center on iOS 11, you need to add Low Power Mode toggle
in the Control Center which can be added from the Settings menu.
Here is how you can add Low Power Mode
toggle on iOS 11 Control 
Go to Settings – Control Center and tap
the (+) sign on Low Power Mode. This will add Low Power Mode toggle in the iOS
11 Control Center.
How to Enable Low Power Mode from Control Center on iOS 11. Here is how you can add Low Power Mode toggle on iOS 11 Control Center
Now you can start enabling Low Power
Mode from Control Center on iOS 11.