Get A Dark Keyboard On iPhone With This Free Cydia Tweak

Dark mode is something that Apple users have been demanding for a very long time that makes the whole UI dark including the keyboard and we may soon see in iOS 13 but till then we will need to depend on the Jailbreak tweak to get what we want.

In this post, we are going to show you how to get a dark keyboard on iPhone with a free tweak. If your device is Jailbroken then this is definitely a must-have tweak for you.

We are talking about the Cydia Tweak named “Dark Keyboard” by iOS developer Thomz that changes the white keyboard color into the dark one which really looks satisfying to the eyes. The Cydia Tweak immediately starts working once you install it and respring your device. There is no option to configure this tweak.

Also, the good thing is it’s free to download. All you need to do is add a new repo and then search for “Dark Keyboard” and install it. How is how to add a new repo on Cydia. Compatible with iOS 9 – iOS 12.

So will you be installing this tweak on your iPhone?