Get Youtube like Volume HUD everywhere on iPhone with this tweak

A new tweak called YoutubeVolume by the
creator “midkin” is available in cydia that allow users to get a unique volume
bar on status bar area which is similar to the Youtube app. As you may have
noticed you get a different Volume HUD on Youtube app when you push the volume
up or down. Now you will be able to get similar Volume HUD everywhere on
A new tweak called YoutubeVolume by the creator “midkin” is available in cydia that allow users to get a unique volume bar on status bar area which is similar to the Youtube app
After installing YoutubeVolume, you can
have an option to configure it from the settings menu.
Tweak Name : YoutubeVolume
Author: midkin
Repo : BigBoss
Price: Free
Description: Youtube Volume bar
Compatible: Supports all iPhone, iPad,
iPod Touch running iOS 8-10
YoutubeVolume is available in Cydia via
BigBoss repo for Free. 

If you want this tweak, don’t forget to jailbreak your
device with this simple tutorial on How
to jailbreak iOS 10 using Yalu and Cydia Impactor