Best FREE iOS 13.5 Jailbreak tweaks for Unc0ver [Get Now]

Howdy! Howdy! A piece of very good news for everyone in jail who waited early for the iOS 13.5 jailbreak. We have now covered several of the best tweaks for iOS 13.5 for Cydia (Jailbreak), which works well on all iPhone 11 PRO, new 2020 SE and lower iOS devices.

Best Jailbreak Tweaks for iOS 13.5 Unc0ver!

We must have a jailbroken iPhone and jailbroken with new Unc0ver 5.0, before we can install the iOS 13.5 Unc0ver Jailbreak tweaks. Here’s how to jailbreak iOS 13.5 on iPhone 11 Pro, Max, iPhone XS, new SE 2020, and many others if you have not yet done so.

Top iOS 13.5 Tweaks that are available to download from Cydia.

1 AdaptiveDarkMode
2 AnyKeyTrackpad
3 April
4 AutoHideHomeBarX
5 AutoUnlockX
6 BarMoji
7 BetterWidgets
8 BlurGround
9 Cask 2
10 central
11 Colorboard / Dark Keys
12 CoolCC
13 Cylinder
14 Dark Papers
15 Dawn
16 DigitalBattery13
17 DNDMyRecording
18 Dotto+
19 DynaWall Lite
20 Gestures13 /Little11
21 HomePlus Beta
22 Mitsuha Forever
23 MobileGoose
24 MobileGooseModule
25 NoDNDBanner
26 noNotch
27 Notifica
28 peep
29 PencilChargingIndicator
30 PowerModule
31 QuitAll
32 RealCC
33 RealKeys
34 Safari Features
35 SendDelay
36 Shuffle
37 Shy Labels
38 ShyPageDots XS
39 SilentScreenShot
40 SmallSiri
41 Snowboard
42 Sylph
43 TouchFlow
44 Xen HTML (Fluid Widget)

To download the above Cydia tweaks, you need to add some repos which you can download from the link.

or you can find the Best 2020 Cydia Repos compatible with Unc0ver jailbreak from here