Best 41 Jailbreak Tweaks for iOS 13 with iPhone 11/Pro Max support

Some of the best Cydia (Jailbreak) tweaks for iOS 13-13.3 that work fine on any A12-A13 and older devices. Best Jailbreak Tweaks for iOS 13-13.3 for iPhone 11 Pro/Max

Howdy!  A piece of very good news for all the jailbroken who early waiting for the iOS 13-13.3 jailbreak but at the same time, there is sad news as well. Because its too confusing jailbreaking method and no one has provided the actual solution with the working Unc0ver jailbreak tool for iOS 13.3 that world perfectly on iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone Pro Max, iPhone 11 and on older devices as well.

So here we will cover some of the 41 best Cydia (Jailbreak) tweaks for iOS 13-13.3 that work fine on any A12-A13 and older devices. Please check right now and provide us the feedback on the same.

41 Best Jailbreak Tweaks for iOS 13-13.3 for iPhone 11 Pro/Max

To install the iOS 13 compatible jailbreak tweaks, make sure to check that your iPhone is running iOS 13.3 or below and has been properly jailbroken with the Unc0ver or CheckRA1n jailbreak tool.

Unc0ver jailbreak for iOS 13.-13.3

CheckrA1n jailbreak for below iOS 13

Tweak Repo
AdaptiveDarkMode Packix
AnimationsBeFastPlus Packix
AutoHideHomeBarX BigBoss
Axon Packix
BetterCCXI Packix
BetterMultitasking itsjafer
BigPipEnergy itsjafer
BioProtect XS BigBoss
CarBridge (iOS 13) BigBoss
Color Flow 5 Packix
ColorFlow 5 (iOS 13 BigBoss
Complications Packix
CopyLyrics BigBoss
Cylinder BigBoss
DarkPapers Skitty
DieSidebar BigBoss
Digitalbattery13 BigBoss
Dots2 Packix
FastX Packix
FloatyTab Twickd
Gesto Packix
Goji Packix
HapticSwitcher BigBoss
iMessageGradients Packix
JellyFish Packix
LightsOut Skitty
Manila Packix
NextUp 2 Packix
Phone Color Packix
PowerModule Packix
PureFocus2 Packix
QuickAccess Packix
Roundedcc Packix
Runaway Twickd
Safeshuftdown BigBoss
ScreenshotActions Packix
Send Delay BigBoss
Small Siri Packix
Snowboard Packix
Xen HTML Packix
Zeinth Packix

To download the above Cydia tweaks, you need to add some repos which you can download from the link.

or you can find the Best 2019 Cydia Repos compatible with CheckRa1n jailbreak from here