Just recently public of release of iOS 11.0.1 with bugs fixes and lot more
improvements, Apple again brings our new first beta version of iOS 11.1 with a
build number 15B5066f to developers along with the developer first
beta version of macOS High Sierra 10.13.1(17B25c), watchOS
4.1(15R5823c) and tvOS 11.1(15J5559d) software updates.

Install iOS 11.1 beta 1
The iOS 11.1 beta can be downloaded on iPhone/iPad for registered developer
only through Apple’s
online developer center & Apple Beta Software Program with
configuration profile installed which is then update via OTA (Over-the-Air)
from Settings >> General >> Software Update>> Download
& Install >> Enter passcode and wait for a while to complete
installing iOS 11.1 beta 1.
Install macOS High Sierra 10.13.1 beta 1
In case of mac, macOS Sierra 10.13.1 beta 1 can
be installed through Mac App Store’s Updates tab.
Install watchOS 4.1 beta 1
And for Apple Watch, watchOS 4.1 beta 1 can be installed
with the Watch app on your iPhone by tapping My Watch → General → Software
Install tvOS 11.1 beta 1
Similarly, for Apple TV, tvOS 11.1 beta 1 can be
installed in Settings → System → Software Updates → Update Software.
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