According to
a new report from AFTVnews, Amazon is working a messaging app called Anytime for
group communication and will launch it soon.

Amazon has
begun surveying customers about a new messaging service to gauge which features
are most important to users. It’s unclear how far along the new service is, but
one customer said the survey seemed to imply it was a ready product.
begun surveying customers about a new messaging service to gauge which features
are most important to users. It’s unclear how far along the new service is, but
one customer said the survey seemed to imply it was a ready product.
Anytime will have standard messaging features such as encryption, video
support, audio support, and stickers.
Anytime will have standard messaging features such as encryption, video
support, audio support, and stickers.

supports Desktop, iPhone and Android with high quality voice and video calls.
In addition, you can just reach all your friends just using their name and
supports Desktop, iPhone and Android with high quality voice and video calls.
In addition, you can just reach all your friends just using their name and