43 Best Free Unc0ver/Checkra1n Jailbreak Tweaks for iOS 13

The most awaited iOS 13 jailbreak “CheckRa1n” is available for iPhone X or lower and has been updated with improvements. But many of us are also waiting for the tweak compatibility on iOS 13, so we have covered up some list of best free Checkra1n jailbreak tweaks for iOS 13.

Best iOS 13 Unc0ver/Checkra1n Compatible Jailbreak Tweaks [iPhone/iPad]

1 Artisty
2 AutounlockX
3 BarMoji
4 Camera Tools
5 Canvas
6 CCModules
7 CircleIcons
8 Clean Home Screen
9 Clean Player
10 ColorMyBattery
11 DismissAnywhere
12 DismissAnywhere
13 DismissProgress
14 DoubleCut
15 EasySwitcherX
16 Filza FIler Manager
17 Filza Files Manager
18 Flame
19 Flame FloatingDock
20 Floating Dock
21 HideBarX
22 HideYourApps
23 Keyboard Accio
24 MakeRespringsGreatAgain
25 Manila
26 MessageTypingIndicators
27 NoDNDBanner
28 OhMyFlash
29 PasscodeText
30 Pull to Respring
31 PullToRespring
32 RealCC
33 RealCC
34 Silent Screenshot
35 SimplePasscodeButtons
36 SleepyTime
37 Small Siri
38 SmallSiri
39 StatusSwitcher
40 Swipe for More
41 SwipeForMore
42 TapTapFlip
43 Tweak Count 2

To download the above Cydia tweaks, you need to add some repos which you can download from the link.



or you can find the Best 2019 Cydia Repos compatible with CheckRa1n jailbreak from here

Also, if you need some more compatible tweaks that work fine on the iPhone, please click on the sheet here.